Trademark & Copyright

A trademark can be a name, slogan, or logo that is typically affixed to a product. A mark can be for your product (a trademark) or your service (a service mark). Either one, we can help establish your rights in and protect it. We have the experience of conducting trademark searches/evaluations and registering trademarks. Furthermore, if you feel that someone is infringing upon your mark, we can help enforce your rights in your mark and protect it through successful trademark prosecution.

Just like with a trademark owner, copyrights must also be protected by the owner — the government does not police infringement of marks and copyrights in the market place. Black’s Law Dictionary states that a copyright gives the owner “the exclusive privilege of printing, reprinting, selling, and publishing” the original work. We provide services for filing copyright applications and services that can stop people from violating a copyright as well as monetize your copyright through license agreements.

If you have a legal matter that needs attention in this area of the law, take advantage of a consultation regarding your case.

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